Tvlblog Grade12

WHY INCOMING SHS STUDENTS MUST CHOOSE TVL TRACK? Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track If you are really not sure if you will be able to pursue any degree after Senior High or if you want to earn money immediately after graduation, then this track is for you. Even without college, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track will equip you with job-ready skills in the future.This track also invests primarily on skills that can gain you requisite COCs (Certificates of Competency) and NCs (National Certifications) which would be essential when looking for better career opportunities in agriculture, electronics, and trade. This is also important when applying abroad where the skills you gain would prepare you as you join the workforce. So, what’s the TVL track? The subjects under TVL track strictly follow TESDA’s rules, ensuring workplace-ready students. In fact, every TVL strand helps students acquire job-ready skills. The TVL track does not only guarantee skills but also ensures emp...